Thursday, 4 November 2010

"She" research

Having read the passages given to me at my brief, I've spent the time reading and reading it to get an idea of the environments described. I have pulled five possible locations to base my final digital paintings on. From there I have scoured the internet for images to reference, inspire me...

Location one describes a vast dried up lake bed which was drained by the Amahagger people, surrounded by volcanic mountains outside of Ayesha's cave. Location two describes their approach to ancient ruined city of Kor. Location three is within Kor itself, outside a huge temple with inner courts in the style of chinese nest boxes. Location four is within this temple where they discover a winged statue of a women ontop a black ball, sitting on a slab of rock. Location five is deep under ground where the pillar of fire gave Ayesha her eternal youth and power.

These are some of the images I want to draw inspiration from. I want to keep in mind that it is set in Africa, so this should be the catalyst that drives my designs. The buildings, temples, columns and thoroughfares are built from hewn stone and are all the same colour. The gardens are overgrown with dense jungle. It's also noted that the city was deserted because of a plague, not from a natural disaster, so the structures are mostly intact.

The book describes a statue of a lady representing truth. I critical description emphasise's the statue has veil. Luckily my parents had this picture of a statue they recently saw on holiday!

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