I've been working on my uncanny objects with varied results. I've been having problems adding hair to the male mass uncanny object, so in the mean time I have playing around with maya's fast skin shader and animating the breathing effect as below. I've also been working on modelling some of the offspring using a mixture of maya and mudbox and will texture them once I am more familiar with the fast skin shader.
This weekend I also went home to shoot the live footage and capture images for the HDR image based lighting. Below are three examples of the photographs of the globe at different exposures which will be unwrapped in the next few days. The second part of the shoot involved placing markers throughout the hall so that I can motion track the footage. I also used state of the art equipment, thin bamboo sticks standing in J2O bottles, to give me markers in the Y axis. It also helped to give me an idea of the height of the parent objects when it came to filming. I've posted an example of the footage taken below which I hope is good enough to track. The only thing that worries me at the moment is I think the footage has been captured at 20fps, even though the settings were set at PAL. Other than that the shoot went quite well and it was quite fun pretending to be Spielberg for the day.