This essay will investigate the relationship between story and structure in Tim Burton’s movie, ‘Big Fish’ released by Columbia Pictures in 2003. It will examine the different techniques used, exploring camera movements, editing, the order of scenes and the integration of visual effects and how they drive the story. It will pay attention to the character development, particularly the father/son relationship between the lead characters, as well as Burton’s motivation for directing the film. This research will be referencing ‘Gothic Fantasy, The films of Tim Burton’ by Edwin Page; ‘Tim Burton, The life and films of a visionary Director’ by Helmut Merchmann; ‘The films of Tim Burton’ by Alison McMahan; ‘Film Directing, shot by shot, visualizing from concept to screen’ by Steven D. Katz and ‘Directing the story, professional storytelling and storyboarding techniques for live action and animation’ by Francis Glebas.
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